Dr. Borislav Buric graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology – University of Sarajevo in 1975. The same year he started working at the Community Health Centre in Novi Sad. In 1988 he specialized in Mouth and Dental Diseases. From 1989 he has started his own dental practice. The scope of his practice includes soft tissue periodontal diseases and prosthetic and composite restorations. He is a member of the Serbian Medical Society. His hobbies are canoeing and hiking.
Dr. Tina Buric Kasa was born in 1979 in Novi sad. She graduated from the Medical Faculty (Dentistry), Novi Sad in 2006. After specialization in dentistry she joins Dr. Buric’s dental practice. She was involved in program of dental education for kids. From April 2012 to January 2014 she is an editor for the magazine “Top zdravlje” responding to the reader’s questions regarding dental issues. Periodically, she writes tof the magazine “Zena i zdravlje”. As a dentist, she performs composite restorations, endodontics and preventive and child dentistry. She is a member of the Serbian Medical Society as well as a member of the Medical Society of Vojvodina. In her spare time she travels and exercises pilates.
Dental nurse Smilja Juhas graduated from the Medical School in Novi Sad. She was a dental assistant to several dentist at the Community Health Centre in Novi Sad. She has joined Dr. Buric’s team in 2003 being an excellent assistant. She is a member of Society of Medical Nurses and Technicians of Vojvodina. She enjoys spending time outdoors with her family and friends.